No Deposit Electricity – Lower Energy Bills

No Deposit Electricity – Lower Energy Bills

Electricity Express shows you how to get no deposit electricity and lower your energy bills this winter.

Starting your electricity with no deposit

This not the only way #ElectricityExpress wants to help. We also suggest how you can lower your energy bills this winter.

Prepaid electricity is the simplest way to start saving and have lower energy bills at the same time. Control your energy consumption by looking at your daily usage with our state-of-the-art technology via text messages or emails. Don’t pay a deposit or commit to a large contract. Also, keep your personal information safe by going prepaid!

No Deposit Electricity - Lower Energy Bills

Lower Energy Bills – No Deposit Electricity

As we have blogged before, your air conditioner is one of the appliances responsible for high energy bills. This winter arrived a bit early, and we are expecting more arctic blasts throughout the season. Keep in mind this recommendation and keep a few more bucks in your pocket (that could perhaps get you newer, better and more efficient appliances).

Winter Hits Texas Early

Yes, this past week we experienced a winter blast that, in my opinion, was too cold and too long (let’s not complain; have you seen what is going on in Buffalo? Yikes!). Anyway, this cold caught me off guard while my brother was visiting. He lives in Cancun (the lowest annual temperature is 68’F), so we set the thermostat a bit higher than we should and I told him. “This is not a good way to lower energy bills, but I want you to be comfortable.” He said that I had no deposit electricity, and I replied that “no deposit electricity” is just a start.

How Lowering Your Thermostat Saves You Money

After he left I wanted to get my bill back to normal since I was getting almost $7 per day energy usage text notifications. I also did not want to feel a dramatic change and get sick. What I did is my suggestion for you. Every day before you leave your home, lower your thermostat one or two degrees until you are at a comfortable 68’F – 70’F. The results are amazing. I saw savings of about a dollar a day until it settled around $3 bucks a day. I emailed my brother and said, “This is how you save and lower energy bills. In your face…”

#ElectricityExpress gives more suggestions about No Deposit Electricity and how to lower your energy bills.

Call today for Same Day Electricity when calling before 5:00 PM, even on Saturdays. See more of our features.


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