Bathroom DIY Tips for Saving Energy

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Bathroom DIY Tips for Saving Energy

Bathroom DIY tips for saving electricity are a great way to put money back into your budget. The smallest room in the house can eat up a lot of electricity before you know it. Whether you’ve just moved into your first home or are renovating an old one, #ElectricityExpress has easy suggestions for cutting your electricity usage in the bathroom. Try these ideas, and see dollars get added back into your wallet as your bill goes down. Bathroom DIY Tips for Saving Energy

Bathroom DIY Tips for Energy Savings

  • Change out your air-conditioning filters.  Replacing your a/c filters is particularly important during Texas’ brutal summers. Your air conditioner will work better just by following this simple step.  One reason?  Better air circulation through the ducts extends the life of the blower motor.  Keep your A/C operating at peak efficiency by keeping up with the filters.
  • Put shower timers in all bathrooms. For those of us who love our hot showers, this might not be such a winner. Yet it is a good idea.  Shower timers allow you to monitor the amount of water you’ll use.  It’s battery-operated, and an alarm sounds when time’s up.
  • Unplug everything that you’re not using. The best advice remains true.  If you’re not using it, unplug it.  Unplug the curling iron, blow dryer, electric razor, and anything else when you’re finished with it.
  • Use less hot water.  This one, I’ll admit, isn’t too popular with me.  However, our electric bills will go down if we lower the shower water temperature, even if just a little bit.
  • Turn off the lights – an oldie but goodie.  Turning off lights is particularly difficult for those with families, but potentially a small gold mine of savings.  If you have a family, take a moment to step back and watch the bathroom.  Chances are that at least 70% of the time, the bathroom light is on, even if no one is in there.  Flicking the switch every time someone finishes may seem like a losing battle, yet it’s one worth fighting.


Saving electricity is easier than you think

These practical bathroom DIY tips are easy to implement and will bring down your bill.  In addition to that, there’s the added bonus of saving our environment.  Conservation of electricity is key to greener living.  So do your part to make our planet a better place to live.  In the meantime, please continue to follow our blog for more energy-saving ideas.  Electricity Express – we’ve got you covered. Bathroom DIY Tips for Saving Energy

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