Power Outage

Blackout After Storm

Power Outage

Power Outage

The season of severe storms and/or tornadoes in Texas has arrived; tornadoes are common in Texas, especially during the months of March to August.

Prepare yourself for a severe storm or tornado

First, you need to understand the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning. A tornado watch means that the formation of tornadoes is possible. A tornado warning means that one has been sighted or detected by radar, and you should seek shelter immediately. Most cities will advise their residents of a possible tornado by using sirens and text messages.

Prepare a Shelter

If your home does not have a basement or a storm shelter, then go to the safest room, the safest room would be a room that does not have windows like the bathroom or a closet. If you live in a mobile home, plan to take shelter in a sturdy building, as mobile homes even if they are tied up are not safe during tornadoes.  Another option will be to build a safe room or reinforce an existing room. If you will like more info on how to do this, you can visit the FEMA website.

Who to call during a Power Outage

** Remember your electricity company is not the one you call during and power outage, since they cannot send anyone to repair the storm damages. You will need to contact your utility since they are the ones in charge of repairing the Downed power line, broken electricity poles, etc.

If after the storm your house or apartment suffered a blackout or lost power, you will need to contact your utility to report the power outage. If you live in the areas of Lewisville, Glen Rose, Gatesville, and Pecos, you will need to contact Texas-New Mexico (TNMP)  either via phone at 888-866-7456 or by going to their website http://www.tnmp.com/customers/outages/index.htm?source=redirecta

You will need to contact AEP North, and AEP Central if you live close by or in the area of Sharyland, Sharyland, McAllen, Abilene, San Ángelo, Laredo, Corpus Christi, San Benito, Brady, Celeste, McAllen, You can contact them by calling 1-877-373-4858 or by going to their website https://www.aeptexas.com/outages/report/

if you live close by or in the area of Odessa, Midland, Dallas, Fort Worth, Tyler, and Waco, you will need to contact Oncor to report the power outage. Oncor Phone number 1-888-313-4747 Oncor Website https://oncor.ifactornotifi.com/ui/m/outage-reporting

If the power outage happened in the area of Houston, Sugar Land, Katy, South Houston, Galveston, or Huntsville, then you will need to contact  Center Point at 713-207-2222 or by going to their website http://www.centerpointenergy.com/en-us/residential/in-your-community/electric-outage-center/?sa=ho

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