Free Home Electricity Gimmicks

Free Home Electricity Gimmicks

Nothing is free but a quote

Free Home Electricity Gimmicks

Free Electricity? Wow! Sign me up now.

There are so many Free Home Electricity Gimmicks.

Free weekends, free nights, free Sundays, etc. Free Home Electricity Gimmicks. It may be, have you really thought about this? What is free nowadays? Tentatively, sounds too good to be true.

I will give you hints and ways to figure it out and you discover the truth about Free Home Electricity Gimmicks. Remember that knowledge is power, learn how to find the truth about your home electricity plan.

Electricity Facts Label – Who knows what is this?

In a few words, this is the statement that electricity companies need to publish for each of the energy products they are offering. It’s open for the public to see what the energy product is all about.

Here you will find the truth about your home electricity company, plan, and product.

Perhaps, the document is not easy to understand but it tells you everything.

Here is an EFL price disclosure for a “free nights” product with a company; contract to 24 months:


“This price disclosure is based on the average usage levels above with an estimated 35% consumption during Night Hours. Night Hours = 9:00 PM ??7:00 AM. Your bill will contain credit for Energy Charges resulting from all energy consumed during Night Hours.

Energy Charge: 17.3¢/kWh. Includes all supply and TDSP delivery charges.

A Base Charge of $4.95 per ESI-ID will apply each billing cycle. AMS Charge: $0

Average Price per kWh = ((Monthly billed energy usage multiplied by Energy Charge – Nights usage multiplied by

Energy Charge) + Base charge + AMS Charge) / Monthly Billed Usage.

The credit for energy consumed during Night Hours is determined using interval usage data from your advanced meter, also provided by the TDSP. Your average price for electric service will vary according to your monthly usage.

The average price does not include state and local sales taxes, reimbursement for the state miscellaneous gross receipts tax, or non-recurring charges such as (for illustration purposes only) special meter read/test fees, collection fees, disconnect/reconnect fees, etc., charged by the TDSP or by Amigo Energy, as applicable.”

Complicated? Not so much, the important part is the ENERGY CHARGE and the part where it says about the average price per kWh. (highlighted)

Free Home Electricity Gimmicks – Nothing is Free

What the customer is supposed to get

Look that the customer is still paying for electricity usage while he was told that it was free electricity.

Supposedly free nights, ok. Then look closely at the ENERGY CHARGE, in this case, 17.3 cents per kWh. When the average price for home electricity in Texas is 11 cents per kWh.  63 % higher than the state average.

In conclusion, you may have free nights, however, the time that is not free it’s substantially more expensive.

Perhaps the best thing to do, and that I recommend, keep things simple, and stay with one home electricity product that is flat and does not change much. Close watch your home electricity consumption and save on usage, do not try to save with Free Home Electricity Gimmicks

In our next blog about Free Home Electricity Gimmicks, we will go over “average usage”, another way to identify Free Home Electricity Gimmicks

Free Home Electricity Gimmicks wrote by Gabriel C so will the next one. Follow our Power Blog

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