How to Know if I Am Paying too Much Electricity

How to read your monthly bill

How to read your monthly bill

How to Read Your Monthly Electricity Bill

Electricity Express wants to help you understand all the charges on your electricity bill

Each month we receive our electricity bill, and most likely you have no idea what all the taxes and charges are, like  TDU delivery charges, transition charges, and many more. Today I am going to explain what some of those charges are, that way you can see if your electricity company is charging you the kWh rate that was offered at the beginning of your contract. How to Know if I Am Paying too Much Electricity

Every bill is different, but most likely you will find your account number on the top of the bill, next to your name and service address.

ESI ID number

is very important, this number shows the physical address where you receive your electricity.  The utility uses the ESI ID number to know exactly the amount of electricity you used per month.

Bill Period, is the period where your service period starts and ends. How to Know if I Am Paying too Much Electricity

Energy Charge

Is a charge based on the electric energy kWh consumed? TDU delivery charge is to cover the cost of moving electricity from the generation plan to your home, the TDU delivery charge is also used to keep the electric post, meter, and cables, in good condition.

We also have the Meter charge, Transition charge, etc. City sales tax varies by each city. To learn more about your electricity monthly charges you can visit the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC)

How to Know if I Am Paying to Much Electricity



Energy Charge

The Energy Charge is what the Retail Electricity Provider (REP) or energy company is charging us for the kilowatts we consume. It’s the actual electricity we use when we turn on our lights or use an appliance.

The REPs are responsible to send us the electricity bills. Which include the delivery charges (TDU or delivery) charges, the energy charges (kilowatts consumed), plus the taxes.

So, we pay the energy company and they will send the appropriate portion of delivery charges to the utility.


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How to Know if I Am Paying too Much Electricity