The Electricity Trivia Quiz – What Do You Know?

The Electricity Trivia Quiz – What Do You Know?

The electricity trivia quiz - What do you know?

The electricity trivia quiz – What do you know?

The Electricity Trivia Quiz – How Many Can You Answer?

Are you ready for our Electricity Trivia Quiz?  The history of electrical power goes further back than most of us realize.  The world has always been full of scientists wanting to know how to do something.  Long before Benjamin Franklin invented the lightening rod, people were experimenting to improve life as they knew it.  Even the cavemen were elated to control fire and roast a mammoth for dinner.  Here at Electricity Express, we can only imagine that celebration party…

Things have changed a lot since those days.  How much electrical history do you know?  Put on your thinking cap, find a pencil and some scratch paper, and sit down to take our Electricity Trivia Quiz.  We’re about to go back several thousand years and trace the history of electricity.  The questions come first, and the answers are at the end.  Good luck, and no cheating! The electricity trivia quiz – What do you know?

Trivia questions:

  1. Thales of Miletus discovered static electricity in what year?
    A. 600 B.C.   B. 500 A.D.   C. 1000 A.D.
  2. Electricity is from the _______ word for amber.
    A. Latin   B. German   C. Greek
  3. In 1745, a Dutch physicist used the ________ Jar to store static electricity.
    A. Leyden   B. George Bush   C. Lincoln

(Now seriously, if you can’t get that one right, that’s really sad…)

  1. In 1786, physician Luigi Galvani made _______ jerk by jolting them with an electrical spark.
    A. Rats   B. Frogs   C. Mice
  2. When was the first American utility company founded?
    A. 1800   B. 1850   C. 1816
  3. In 1892, Thomas-Houston and Edison General Electric merged to create what utility company?
    A. Electricity Express   B. General Electric Company   C. Edison Company

How did you do?

See below for the answers, all of which are from  If you got all six correct, you are definitely ready to have your own utility company.  Electricity Express congratulates you!  If you want to brag about how well you did, feel free to call us at 855 781 6970.  Have a great day!


  1. A. 600 B.C. – Although Thales didn’t know the term “static electricity”, he observed its properties when he rubbed a piece of amber.  Amber is actually fossilized tree resin.
  2. C. Greek – The word was invented in 1600 by William Gilbert.  The English scientist is also credited with creating the terms “electric force”, “magnetic pole” and “electric attraction.”
  3. A. Leyden – The Leyden Jar was the first electrical capacitor.
  4. B. Frogs – Galvani, an Italian, used an electrostatic machine to experiment on these amphibians.
  5. C. 1816
  6. B. General Electric Company
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