Home Energy Waste During the Day

Gasto mucha luz sin estar en casa

Why do I Waste Energy during the Day if no one is Home?

Vampire energy imageFew people know why their Home Waste Energy during the Day if no one is home, your meter keeps counting kilowatts even if nothing is on all day; this is caused by what we know as “Vampire Appliances.” Vampire Appliances use electricity because even though you press the turn off button on your TV, Play station, (or another game console) Coffee maker, it actually goes into standby mode. They do this so they can turn back on faster when you need them, for example, your TV will be on standby mode if is recording a show, and your coffee maker to heat up your coffee faster.

 Solution For Home Energy Waste during the Day: put several electronics together

  • An option to keep this from happening is to either unplug all the electronics after you are done using them or connect all your electronics to a power strip and turn it off when you are not using any of the electronics.

If your home appliances were built in the 1990s is time for you to update to Energy Efficient appliances. Old appliances consume around 38% more electricity than energy-efficient models. When you are on the market for a new home appliance you can find how much electricity it uses by looking at the yellow sticker on the display models. (Energy Star) 


 Air Conditioner Home Energy Waste during the Day

The thing that wastes the most electricity during the day when you are not home is your air conditioner, especially when you turn it off in the morning before leaving for work or school. If you live in a city where the summer is really hot or/and humid turning off your AC unit is not a good idea, the temperature rises during the day and this causes your house temperature to rise as well, so when you come home in the afternoon your house will feel like an oven. The temperature in your house will be around 80-85 degrees depending on where you live. The first thing you do when you get home is turn on room lights ( this creates more heat) and lower your AC unit temperature to 65 degrees, this causes your AC to work twice as hard and your Home Waste Energy during the Day will be twice as well.

  A solution to avoid Home Energy Waste during the Day: Help your Air Conditioner

  • A better choice will be to leave your AC unit automatic and set the thermostat to 75 degrees, that way; it will only turn on when the house temperature rises over 75 degrees.

Following these simple steps, you will see a drop in your Home Energy Waste during the day.


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