Ahorro de energía

Incorrect Use of the Washing Machine and Clothes Dryer

Incorrect use of the washing machine and clothes dryer. Part 4 of our blog series: Why You Do Not Save on Your Residential Electricity The washing machine and clothes dryer spend a lot of energy. That’s right, these appliances are the ones that spend more energy in our homes. Believe it or not, washing and […]

Home Electricity Tips. Air Conditioner Use It Correctly

Why You Do Not Save on Your Residential Electricity 3 Air Conditioning – Heating

Why You Do Not Save on Your Residential Electricity 3: Air Conditioning – Heating. Part 3 of our blog series Why You Do Not Save on Your Residential Electricity. On this occasion, we reiterate the proper use of household appliances. Specifically, the unit of air conditioning and heating. When you figure out which appliances spend […]

Why You Do Not Save on Your Residential Electricity

Why You Do Not Save on Your Residential Electricity Electricity Express wants to help you understand the high energy consumption at home. Why You Do Not Save on Your Residential Electricity related to the environment. We remain convinced that, if you can make small changes in your home, you can save 30 to 40% of […]

Porque Usted No Ahorra en Su Electricidad Residencial

Show Us Your Electricity Bill

Why You Do Not Save on Your Residential Electricity

Why You Do Not Save on Your Residential Electricity Why do you spend so much on energy? This is one of the most frequently asked questions we receive at Electricity Express. It does not stop there, the question continues … Why do I spend so much energy if … I’m never at home … I […]

How Climate Affects Electricity Usage

How Climate Affects Electricity Usage   Global warming affects temperatures and this will have an impact on your electricity consumption.   Nowadays the world is undergoing great climatic changes due to environmental pollution, this causes great changes in the temperature, for example, in the area of Texas we are experiencing winters increasingly colder, and summers […]

Su consumo de luz via texto

Control Your Residential Electricity in Cold Times

Control your Residential Electricity in Cold Times. Recommendations so that the electricity bill does not go to the clouds in the winter season, Control your Residential Electricity in Cold Times. Lower electricity bills in the winter Many of us believe that by not using the air conditioner in our home because what we use is […]

High Electricity Consumption

High Electricity Consumption I do not know if you have noticed that this last electricity bill for your home energy was twice as normal. High Electricity Consumption. We felt it too, not only in our personal consumption but also in our clients, here is what we think. For most of us, the last electricity bill […]

How much we will be paying for electricity in 20 years.

Residential Prepaid Electricity Challenge

Residential Prepaid Electricity Challenge

Residential Prepaid Electricity Challenge At Electricity Express, we strive for our customers to save energy at home, whether we help them find a residential electricity company that fits their budget, help with understanding their residential electricity bills, or suggest how to make better use of appliances that use more energy in the home. We try […]

Electricity Consumption During Christmas

Electricity Consumption during Christmas The Christmas season is well known for its beautiful and bright decorations. We can see how in some places, even in November, people decorate their homes. Electricity Consumption during Christmas Many people wonder if electricity consumption increases during the holiday season due to these decorations. Everything depends on the electrical system […]

Image of Christmas Light

Lower Your Residential Electricity Consumption

Lower Your Residential Electricity Consumption If we can, you can Lower your Residential Electricity Consumption. Thanks to the efforts of my family and a good electricity company, here is a personal example of what we consume in our home, 4 bedroom house, everything is electric, we do not use gas. But we know how to […]