Residential Electricity – Hurricane Winds

Residential Electricity - Hurricane Winds

Residential Electricity – Hurricane Winds

Residential Electricity – Hurricane Winds

Residential Electricity – Hurricane Winds

Hurricane Categories and Sustained Speed ​​of Hurricane Winds

Hurricanes are a powerful force of nature. We have all seen pictures of the devastation after a hurricane hit. A hurricane can uproot trees, flip cars, rip roofs off houses, and cause flooding. The strength of a hurricane is based on the sustained speed of the wind. You can see the five categories and the sustained wind below:

Category 1: 74-95 miles per hour
Category 2: 96-110 miles per hour
Category 3: 111-129 miles per hour
Category 4: 130-156 miles per hour
Category 5: 157 miles per hour or more

Let’s not forget the speed of the gusts. These can reach higher figures, increasing the damage to our cities.

The Journey of Electricity from a Power Plant to Our Home – Residential electricity – Hurricane winds

Electricity is one of the first victims of a hurricane when it reaches the center of a town. It is easy to understand why when we know how electricity reaches our home.

Electricity is generated in a power plant and then travels to a transmission substation. The voltage must be higher to be able to travel long distances.
Once in the transmission substation, the voltage is reduced so that it can be received in our home. Transmission lines lead to power stations, which lower the voltage. It is then that the electricity is sent in several directions, all different.

Residential electricity – Hurricane winds

At this point is when we see the wooden poles with power lines that can also be underground. Transformers lower the voltage until it is safe to enter our home.
Electricity, then, travels throughout our home.

It is a somewhat complicated journey. no matter how advanced the technology is, nothing is foolproof. There are many places on the road where winds of 150 or more miles per hour can cause the worst damage. Unfortunately, the same problems occur in other parts of the United States due to snowstorms or tornadoes. Residential electricity – Hurricane winds

Residential Electricity – Protect Your Home and Family

At Electricity Express, we believe that knowledge is power. Now that we understand more about how electricity reaches our home, we can appreciate how vulnerable technology is when there is a hurricane. At least have flashlights, batteries, candles, and matches or lighters on hand in case of a power outage. We also recommend that you also take hurricane threats very seriously and evacuate when instructed. Protect your homes from wind damage by laying down wooden planks and storing your things inside the house or garage. Better safe than sorry. Remember that the blackouts are not caused by us, in case of emergency or blackout, call the distributor, here you find the phone numbers.

For more information about hurricane-force winds, call Electricity Express at 855-781-6970. At Electricity Express – we care about your well-being. Residential electricity – Hurricane winds


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