Moving to a New Home Is a Hassle

Some of us move to a new home for joy, and some as a necessity. Either way, moving to a new home is a hassle. However, we can avoid some headaches by following a few steps and organizing ourselves and our families. Here is a list of times that may help you to have less stress and avoid losing things.

Moving to a New Home Is a Hassle

Prepare for the Big Day

I found a great article about how to make a move less stressful, however, the article was more stressful than it really is. So, I edited and I’m just passing along the best of it. I will go from the cost of moving, planning the move, and getting ready for the big day.

The Cost of Moving to a New Home

Depending on your family size and destination. A single person moving into a close area can run from $300 to $1,000. Now, if you have a large family and you are moving to a new area or state, this can cost you up to $5,000. One more thing that I suggest you consider is the time you will put into the move. Time is money and taking time from work can increase the cost of moving to a new home.

Even if you have a few things to move, I suggest giving it a good time of prepping and organizing for the big day. Moving to a new home is a hassle, however, if you plan this with time, at least 2 months, you will have a smooth move. This will also help you to reorganize important things and declutter unused and forgotten things. So…

2 Months Prior to the Moving Day

Checklist. Moving to a New Home is a Hassle

Save time and money with a checklist.

The Checklist

Notes Notes Notes. Keep a notebook in hand and always keep notes of any ideas on how to improve the time and cost. No matter how small or insignificant is the idea, write it down. Separate your notes in the budget, contractors, essentials, rooms, who is responsible for specific items, etc. Tell your family to be familiar with this notebook.

Prepare a Budget. Planning is always good if you want to keep the cost of moving as low as possible.

Book the Moving Company. Get several quotes and check references, reviews, and insurance. Best interstate moving companies.

Contact Your Kid’s Schools. The school they are leaving, and the new school need to know and have all documentation.

Your Valuables. At this moment you haven’t packed anything, you can see all your things, especially your valuables. Take notes and start planning where those valuables will be placed when the big chaos starts.

Organizing Closets. You already have an idea of how the weather will be by the time of your move. Start moving the items you will not use in the next 3 months.

30 Days Before You Move. Moving to a New Home Is a Hassle

Your Files. Organize your files, bills, contracts, records, bank statements, subscriptions, etc. It’s time to think that all important documents need to be securely stored.

Check Your New Home. See if your new place will need any repairs. If so, take your time to fix or call the contractor or landlord to fix all those things that are not on your to-do list.

Your Electronics. Do an inventory and make sure all connectors and chargers are in place. Some replacement chargers/connectors won’t work with an aftermarket replacement.

Packing. You can start packing. Don’t forget to securely seal the bottom of the boxes, label the boxes and be mindful of the weight you are adding to each box. It’s obvious but it’s worth mentioning it. Start packing the things that you will not use in the next 30-45 days.

Moving to a New Home Is a Hassle Don’t Forget Your Utilities.

Your Utilities. Cable, internet, water, gas, trash/recycling, and most importantly, your electricity service. It is time to contact all these services and check availability, best practices, and prices. Some utilities are provided by the city or a co-operative and you have no choice to choose from. On the other hand, there are many services that you have options for.

The Electricity Service. In my perspective, this is the most important service you need when moving to a new home and avoiding the hassle. We can live for a few days without gas, cable, internet, or even drinking water (we can get it from the local store). However, it will be complicated to live a few days without electricity. Just think about your cell phone or computer, none of those and no work, no contact with the world, just think about it. If you are moving to Texas, most cities are energy deregulated, which means that you can choose your electricity supplier. I strongly suggest starting your electricity service with a prepaid electricity company. This will help you to see how your daily energy usage is. With that said, you can start saving, and then you can move to a new energy company that may suit you well.

Your Computer. Back up your computer, I suggest having it all in the cloud, so you have access to it anywhere you are.

Days Before You Move

Contact your city, schools, doctors, etc. They need to know you no longer need their services or help. Make sure the city knows the date you move; you don’t want to be responsible for anything the new resident at your old house does.

The Big Day. Moving to a New Home Is a Hassle

Early Bird. You have been planning this for 2 months, you have a well-deserved rest so wake up early, you don’t want the movers to wait for you to open the door.

Be On the Lookout. See that the movers have their pads and that they carry your stuff carefully. Remember that you are responsible for any property damage.

Clean. Either you hire someone to clean your old place, or you do it. I suggest hiring someone to do this task, landlords are very unforgivable when it comes to keeping a security deposit because there is a fly flying around if you know what I mean.

I hope that this helps you to lower your stress and make things easier and hassle-free.

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Other resources:

Guide for a hassle-free moving

Best Interstate Moving Companies