Prepaid Electricity Helps to Manage Your Energy Usage – Light Bulbs

Prepaid Electricity Helps to Manage Your Energy Usage – Light Bulbs

Prepaid Electricity Helps to Manage Your Energy Usage – Light Bulbs

Prepaid Electricity Helps to Manage Your Energy Usage – Light Bulbs

How would you know if, making the investment of changing all your light bulbs around the house is worth it? Prepaid Electricity Helps to Manage Your Energy Usage – Light Bulbs.

Approximately I have about 60 light bulbs around my house. Prepaid Electricity Helps to Manage Your Energy Usage – Light Bulbs. Let’s do a comparison between the 3 different (most popular) kinds of light bulbs.

$15 for 12 pack 60-watt type A incandescent light bulbs ($0.97 each)

$5 for 4 pack 60-watt equivalent type A CFL light bulbs ($1.49) each)

$10 for 4 pack 60-watt equivalent type A LED (dimmable) light bulbs ($2.37 each)

At that moment, when I replaced my light bulbs, I did not do it all at the same time. I did not see my savings right away, however, I knew what I was saving was a chunk because I did this comparison several times.

Replacement Plan. Prepaid Electricity Helps to Manage Your Energy Usage – Light Bulbs

60 CFL light bulbs ($1.49) = $89.40 and last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs

60 LED light bulbs ($2.37) = $142.20 and last 10 times longer than CFL

Usage of the light bulbs

Let’s assumed that we use about 10 light bulbs for 2 hours a day.

10 incandescent light bulbs X 60W X 2 Hours = 1200 watts = 1.2 kWh

10 CFL light bulbs X 13W X 2 Hours = 260 watts = 0.26 kWh

10 LED light bulbs X 12W X 2 Hours = 240 watts = 0.24 kWh

Perhaps the difference between CFL and LED is not much in energy savings. However, these ones last about 50 times more compared to incandescent light bulbs. And about 10 times more than CFLs.

LEDs Lifespan and cost-efficeincy

LEDs Lifespan and cost-efficiency

Prepaid Electricity Helps to Manage Your Energy Usage – Light Bulbs

To wrap up, if you are ready to make the switch, I suggest doing it all at once. If you have prepaid electricity you will see the difference right away. About 65 % energy savings only on lightning.

Commonly, we pay an average of $30 to $50 per month on home electricity just for the light we turn on. I think we can do better than that, your investment of LEDs will be retributed in a matter of 3 months. Savings for the rest of the years to come.

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