Energy saving

How Many Solar Panels do I need?

How Many Solar Panels do I need? A lot of customers ask the same question, How Many Solar Panels do I need for my house? Aspects to determine how many solar panels are needed to power a house: House orientation Shading Humidity Roof inclination Production needed Energy usage Weather Altitude, etc.   Not all houses […]

How many solar panels do I need

Solar Panels Texas

 Solar Panels Texas Solar Panels absorb sunlight and transfer it to your house to be used as electricity When you produce your own electricity with solar panels, you will buy less utility power and spend less money on your local electricity company since you will be buying less electricity from them. Solar Panels Texas. The […]

Save More Energy and the Planet with Solar Panels

Electricity for 24 Months

How to choose an electricity company with a good contract and at a good kWh rate? All companies are different their plans vary and this depends on many factors. Here at Electricity Express, an agent will ask our customers several questions to help them choose which energy plan is right for them. Electricity for 24 […]

Switch Hold on the Electricity Meter

Switch Hold on the Electricity Meter   Talking a little about what the switch holds on the energy meter, this is very important within residential power, something we all should know about it. Any electricity company you can think of may apply a switch hold on the meter for these reasons: Reasons why there is […]

Electric & Hybrid Cars

Electric & Hybrid Cars

Electric & Hybrid Cars Amazing things we will be living tomorrow. Energy-efficient inventions amaze me. Electric & Hybrid Cars are just a few things. Electric & Hybrid Cars are getting more popular every day, I remember the first one I saw, it was horrible. A total nightmare, it seems like the design department and the rest […]

Residential Electricity

Series of Blogs on Residential Electricity. Follow me and win $50 In this series of blogs, I want to help you to understand a little more about your residential electricity. Residential Electricity Savings Start with Learning Learn to Read your electric bill. Average electricity use in the home (house, apartment, or trailer home) Changes at home […]


Pero porque tengo candado en mi medidor, y como lo puedo quitar?

Why do I have a Lock on the Meter? Switch Hold

  I need help. Why do I have a Switch Hold on the Meter? I can’t connect my electricity because I have a lock on the meter. This is one of the most confusing situations that can happen to any person when we are looking to connect electricity. And the worst thing is when they […]

The Future of Energy is in Our Kids Hands

The Future of Energy is in Our Kids Hands. Blog by Abby Vazquez. The Future of Energy is in Our Kids Hands Tips for parents on how to use electricity since the future of energy is in the hands of our children. The future of energy is in the hands of our children, which is […]

energys future in ours kid's hands

Consejos de para Ahorrar Electricidad en el Baño

Bathroom DIY Tips for Saving Energy

Bathroom DIY Tips for Saving Energy Bathroom DIY tips for saving electricity are a great way to put money back into your budget. The smallest room in the house can eat up a lot of electricity before you know it. Whether you’ve just moved into your first home or are renovating an old one, #ElectricityExpress […]