Residential Electricity Act Now

Residential Electricity Act Now

Residential Electricity Act Now

Why should you ask for permission when choosing an Electricity Company?

Today I will talk about why we ask for permission when choosing an electricity company. Residential Electricity Act Now

We have many calls from customers who call us to ask what they need to connect to electricity service in their house, many of those calls are from people that live with, a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or roommate, and a lot of the time they do not know the complete address or they are not sure of what the apartment number is. This is frustrating for them since it delays the process, and we need the complete address to offer the best KW rate and for the service to get connected to the correct residence. Well, this may not be in all guilt of the caller since they have just moved either to a new city or to an area that they don’t know well.

What we do at Electricity Express in this case, is that we call the apartment complex office and ask for the full address.  If the address where the customer needs service is a house we ask them to have a previous bill and provide us with the ESI number, this will help us find the correct house, and also give an estimate of how much the first bill will be. Residential Electricity Act Now

Another thing that I have also seen a lot is that after talking to the apartment’s office to confirm the address and after creating an order the customer will say “ok, let me talk to my spouse, or roommate and see what he, she thinks  I will call you later. “Why do you have to ask permission? I mean he, she was told to call and  I imagine they will agree with whatever decision he, she makes, well at least that’s what I think. It is as if I tell my husband to go to the store and bring avocados, I am going to trust him that he will bring some ready-to-eat avocados, if I didn’t trust his judgment then I will go and get them myself.

Get your electricity now. Call around to get a quote

I think what runs through a lot of couples’ minds is that they are going to call around and get a “quote” and then at the end of the day, they get together and pick the best one. This may sound like a good idea but in reality is not, for one thing, can get lost in translation and mixed up with what other companies have to offer you.
What I recommend to do is to talk to your spouse, or roommate before calling and asking for a quote, to ensure that you have the correct and complete address if you want to get prepaid or postpaid service, also how much you can spend on a deposit, in case one is required. Also leave the deposit money in cash with your spouse, or roommate so he/she can go and pay the deposit on Ace Cash Express or Money gram, or leave your debit credit card so that they can make the deposit over the phone with us. This way the process will be faster and easier. Residential Electricity Act Now


Advantages of Prepaid & Postpaid Electricity Services.

  •  Same-day Electricity Connection – No Extra Charge 
  • See how much energy you save every day

  • ​Competitive Electricity Rates

  • ​No Deposit 

  • No Reload Fees
  • ​Pay-As-You-Go
  • ​World Class Customer Service
  • ​Extended Hours for Sales
  • True Electricity – Pay What You Use
  • Daily Notifications of Usage


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