How Residential Electricity Changes with this Weather

How Residential Electricity Changes with this Weather.

Weather Affects Residential Electricity

How Residential Electricity Changes with this Weather.

Weather changes will cause energy consumption to change.

We will all see many changes in our electricity consumption due to climate change, we know that in Texas the seasonal changes are dramatic, which affects electricity with this climate and our bill.

If you think that electricity in this climate is not the main factor to make your invoice more expensive, then you must analyze what is affected by this type of climate change. How Residential Electricity Changes with this Weather.

Modifications in our behavior and affect Electricity with this Climate:

  • In homes (the ones that use natural gas), electricity consumption goes down, but the gas goes up.
  • The air blows stronger, cold air enters and hot air comes out.
  • Usually, we open the door more often, and we enter and leave the house more often.
  • We use water a lot hotter.
  • Wash more clothes and more often.
  • We spend more time at home and use more lights and TV.
  • Night falls earlier and we use more artificial light.

As we see, we modified our behavior a lot with seasonal changes. There is another example that I want to mention.

Real case, Vane Otero … How Electricity Changes in this Climate.

Our friend Vanesa changed residence, in which it is her first cold season. For 3 years she has been using one of our favorite electric companies, she recently called me and told me that the electricity was getting very expensive and that before it was not like this. As usual, the first thing you should do is to talk to the electricity supplier and see if there is any change. Things to ask is if the rate changed.

We did a study of her daily charges and realized that the electricity rate had not changed at all, the detail was that their consumption changed dramatically. Apparently, her residence has several air leaks, and compared to the other residences where she lived, her current energy consumption was tripled.

The suggestion to lower electricity usage

We suggested she call the utility (Oncor) and have her meter checked and have other details checked in your department. She found that the chimney has a lid and that it was wide open so that it made air come in and circulate the warm air out.

Apparently, everything has gone better since she has not called me since then …


We hope you have a very happy holiday and that #ElectricityExpress can help you a little more with residential electricity and pay less.

We have many more suggestions, call us and we will see how we can help you.


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